Friday, October 28, 2011

My 2 babies

This big boy had to grow up too fast with little Kin Kin coming so soon after him. He has such a special spirit about him. He always has a twinkle in his eye and just totally makes everyone around him smile. He's the biggest flirt when we're out in public and absolutely adores his big sister. Mason just turned 18 months and we can't imagine life without him. He's having a tough transition into nursery, because they separate the 3's from the 2's and he hates to be separated from Addy. He'll copy-cat most everything you say, and is always stealing Kinley's bottles and binkies. Like I said, he had to grow up too fast:)

McKinley (aka Kin Kin) is turning 4 months this month. I feel like we've had her forever. She is a sweetheart and is so patient with all the chaos around her. She's so alert and loves to be in the middle of it all watching her siblings. She's a cuddlebug and is getting the chunkiest legs:) She loves to talk and smile, even though we can't seem to catch it on camera:)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Tonight was a combined ward trunk or treat. It was packed..I've never seen such a huge Trunk-or-Treat! We're getting a cold North front right now, so it was actually chilly. I found a Minnie Mouse costume, and a red M&M costume at DI a month ago, but since there's another Community Trunk-or-Treat, and Halloween on Monday, I had Addy use one of her dress-up's for tonight. Here's pics right after I got them dressed. Mason was hilarious. He laughed the whole time I put tights on him, and then he loved to lay on the must have felt cool with all the grocery bags I stuffed him with.

the stuffing got all crooked, but you get the idea:)I know I'm biased, but Addy was gorgeous.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh, my sweet Addy

We've been trying for months now to help Addy learn the difference between "being grateful" for things in your prayers and asking for things. She says grateful before EVERYTHING.

" grateful that I didn't listen today"

"grateful that I have my phone in my pocket"

"grateful that Mason hit Kinley"

"grateful that Daddy is sick"

"grateful they gave us candy at trick or treat"

and so on.....It's adorable, because I try to tell her to tell Heavenly Father everything she did that day, and she definitely does. She's just latched on to saying grateful before it all:) I guess she's just listening to Elder Bednar when he challenged us to say a prayer without asking for anything.

*I pray she never stops being so affectionate. She's learning about her emotions, and she's a girl who says whatever pops into her head. At least twice an hour she will come up and hug you and say, "I love you Mommy." When I leave to run, she'll hug me and say.."I'm just going to miss you." She tells Chris constantly when he gets home at night, "I've just been missing you Daddy."

*I love that randomly she'll tell Chris after he's gotten ready for the day, "you look cute in that shirt Daddy." ...or, "mommy, your hair looks cute like that."

*She cuddles with Kinley constantly, and you can tell there is a sweet sister bond there. No one can get Kin to smile like Addy does.

*Until recently when we separated her and Mason into different rooms, she would crawl into bed with him at night. It's so cute, but was not good for falling asleep:)

*She gives the best cuddles, and as much as she is headstrong, stubborn, and will fight to get her way...her sweet side will make you melt. We love this girl and are so grateful she's the oldest..she's the best big sister for Mason and McKinley.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Video

I've been trying to upload a dancing video of Mason and Addy, but it's not working.

October Fun

Picture overload:

Ready to go to the park

The other night we bbq'd for dinner and the kids got super messy. We hosed them off, then came inside to dry off. Hence the naked kids:) They love each other so much. If one kid is laying down, they all have to. They are literally never apart.

Addy got wet, but then thought the 70's in the evening was cold:)
His diaper is enormous from sitting in water..those Costco diapers hold a ton!
Pumpkin is adorable!Addy is up at the top of the slide and just sat up there watching other kids go down. Finally, Chris took Mason up and went down with both kids.Addy climbing the stairs. First time in the bumbo! She does smile a lot, I just never seem to get in on camera.The other day, Addy had the 24hr flu...and all she wanted to do was watch Dora with Kinley.

Getting moved in

FINALLY! We got our stuff moved down a couple weeks ago, and it took me about a week to unpack everything. Decorating is still in the works, but we've got everything in closets and put away. It is so calming and we finally feel like we're HOME. We now get to relax at night and hang out together in the living room and watch movies or play games.

Mason's new favorite toy: the step-ladder. I think it's adorable.

This is what I found when I came down the stairs. Someone thought Kinley would enjoy Elmo, and she did enjoy tasting his eyeballs for awhile.

They kept saying, "look Mom, it snowed"!!

Her camera face

Fun with Grandma

We had been watching for some cheap Allegiant flights and a few weeks ago we had my mom fly down to visit before she started a new job/school. Sadly we didn't have any of our stuff moved down yet, and we didn't go down to the strip...but we played outside, went to parks, had picnics and I hope she had fun. We LOVED having her here and her departure just came too fast and we were so sad to see her leave.

sleeping beauty

it looks like Addy is licking my mom, but she had chocolate all over her mouth and chin.

Thank You SOOOO much for coming down!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

work and play

We found a splash pad park that is only a couple miles away. We were SO happy, and we go there at least 3 times a week. There's parks everywhere, but we live up on the mountain, so it's about 3.5 miles to go down into town. So we were so excited to hear about this one, and there's one being built that will be even closer.

Addy has become such a little monkey.

Mason still just chases the girls around

These are from when we first moved in. Helping daddy with the hard work:)

She loved to use the drill to put together their bunk bed. I love her underwear tucked into her shorts:)