She put all the cookies on the sheet.....

then when I wasn't looking she took bites out of a couple of them.

Poor girl...when she was sick, she'd go get a blanket and wherever I was she'd lay down on the floor by my feet.

She had a cold for about a week when she also got her first ear infection. So for 2 weeks she was miserable with getting her canines in, ear infection and a head cold.

I had to take a picture of her, because to me she looks so old in this picture. Instead of 2, she looks 5!!!

She's still not liking feeding herself very well, but when it's something yummy like pudding she'll do it!!

Back in February while we were packing up getting ready to move, we took some breaks and took Addy to the mall to play on the toys.

I hate when I haven't posted for so long because I forget what we've been up to. The first of March we moved to our new apt. It's a 3 bed 2 bath with a nice patio and the complex has an awesome playground to play on. It's been heaven for us with all the extra space compared to our last apartments. We'll be here for a couple years while Chris finishes school..so it actually feels like home. We've moved every 6 months since we've been married because of doing security systems in the summer- and it's SOOO nice to know we won't be packing for awhile.
I've definitely been going crazy nesting trying to have everything ready. We pretty much are ready to go except for a couple big things. I want a nice double stroller since I'll pretty much be alone with the 2 kids with no car when Chris starts school in August. And the other big item is that we still have no name picked out. Only a few more weeks to go..hopefully we'll settle on one before he comes. I hate imagining feeling this stress of what to name him after he's here.
Addy is growing and learning so much everyday. She learns new things to say each day, usually copying everything I say:) Her sentences are so cute and I can't believe how big she's getting. I love that she still loves to cuddle and runs up to me with kisses out of nowhere. I still can't believe she'll turn 2 in June..CRAZY!
She dies look so grown up in that picture, she acts older too though. What a cutie!
Crazy how fast they grow. I took a picture of Bella last summer when she was 2 1/2 and thought the same thing....she looked so old. Addy is so cute!!! I'm happy you finally feel settled and have your place!!
The name will come! Don't worry! We had a hard time too picking one for sure but knew once he had arrived what we wanted to name him.
WOW, I can't believe how big Addy is getting. She is so adorable!!
those pics of her are so cute. she is really maturing fast. She will love the summertime, playing with gramps on the swings.
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