Addy is always talking up a storm..and is getting so good at saying longer sentences. There's some funny things she's always said that I need to write down so I don't forget. Of course as soon I start to type, I've forgotten half of them, so here's some that I could think of right now:
(as she runs down the hall)..."i'm gonna get you Mason!"
"i need my Noah Mommy!" (her friend that lives downstairs)
(as she looks down my shirt)..Mommy's boobies!? (points to her own)..Addy's boobies!?..(points to Mason's)..Mason's boobies!?..(points to Chris's)..Daddy's boobies!?
(on Sunday mornings).."we go Nursery? (me: yep, you're going to go to Nursery) "play Sage, Jada?" (her friends in Nursery) (me: yep, you get to play with Sage and Jada) ...."Sacrament, be reverent..Daddy bread." (me: yep, we're going to take the Sacrament and we're reverent while Daddy passes the bread and water) ..."yep"
(as she pulls my covers off in the morning)..."mommy wake up... mommy wake up...(so I wake up and tell her hi)..."where Daddy go?"...(i tell her he's at school).."where Mason go?"..."i want cereal"..."watch Elmo".."come on Mommy!"
(as I'm cleaning) "mommy, sit down...mommy, read books"
(running down the hall to either Chris or I) "Babe, come here!"
(blowing bubbles outside with Chris) "Minny, watch this!"
(at least 10 times an hour:) "mommy, watch this!"
"bye- bye poopies!" (as she flushes the toilet)
"silly grandpa mow lawn?" (when she wants to go mow the lawn with my dad)
"i be right back"
"fast runnin!"
"whoa, big jumpin!"
"papa-icicle" (popsicle)
"parkernoahpita! (parker, noah, peter, her friends that live below us, she combines the three names into one, I hear her asking for them at least 10 times a day.)
my favorite: "thank you Mommy, love you!"
The day after I hurt my back, we were packing and all of a sudden Chris told me to be quiet and listen. We stopped talking and were could hear Addy talking in the closet.
"Heavenly Father, please bless this day. Thank you for mommy's Jesus Amen!!"
Then she'd open the closet door and smile, run around and go back in..shut the door and we'd hear her praying again. I cried. It was the sweetest thing. We can never get her to say them when we're all together, but we'll hear her saying them in private every now and then. I love this little girl so much. She is so much fun and is my best little friend. Last night when I was laying in bed with her singing songs, I layed my head in her lap and she put her hand on my head and started petting my hair. It was a moment I never want to forget.