This is the first time I've done this whole tag thing on blogging, so I decided to give it a try, because Lynette tagged me..and I love her!
8 TV shows I like to watch:~Friends
~House, M.D
~The Office
~The Biggest Loser ( I feel like I should be on the show right now)
~American Idol
~So You Think You Can Dance
~Private Practice
8 Things that happened yesterday~fed Addy at 2:30am, 6am, fed Chris at 7:30am...went back to bed
~helped my mom can applesauce
~curled my hair...usually it's just in a ponytail
~cleaned up and sorted Chris and I's room and Addy's
~found a sweet deal on a jumper thing to hang in the doorway for Addy on Craigslist ($8!!)
~had lunch ready for Chris when he came home for lunch
~went to a Mary Kay party at Hayley's ...way fun!!!
~came home and cuddled with my husband and Addy
8 Favorite places to eat~Johnny Corino's
~The Cracker Barrel
~Red Robin
~Texas Roadhouse
~Coldstone :)
~Puerto Vallarta
~P.F Chang's
8 Things I am looking forward to:~ living in a place for more than 6 months
~ having a house..might be too far off to look forward to:)
~ being out of debt
~ springtime!!..i hate the cold
~ having more kids
~ being done with school and summer alarm systems
~ fitting in my pre-pregnancy clothes
~ 4 years from now when hopefully we'll get a new president that is not one of these two idiots running right now.
8 Things on my wish list:~ a house on a ranch set up with horses and lots of land
~ a big family
~ for my kids to go to private schools...public schools are so bad now!!
~ to meet the prophet
~ travel, travel, travel!!
~ to serve a mission with Chris
~ Lasik eye surgery!!
~ to look like Lynette after I have kids:)