Saturday, December 13, 2008

What's new this week..

So this week I started training Addy to put herself to sleep. I realized we've started some bad habits of her getting used to nursing to sleep..or being bounced and patted to sleep. So I am now enduring the crying herself to sleep. It has been so hard..that little cry just breaks my heart, but I know it's best for her and she really does sleep so much better this way. She's been sleeping through the night..except for a couple days where she wakes up around 4 and gets a binky and goes right back to sleep. I'll work on the binky thing later:) We're trying to do this for naps as well, which has proven much harder. She has always been a horrible nap taker, except from about 4-5 months old she had routine down that she made for herself..but then before I knew it she has been refusing to go down. She'll rub her eyes constantly and burrow her head in my shoulder and just fight it. She's teething as well, but has been pretty good about it.
On a happier note, she started rolling completely over today. She's rolled from her tummy to her back since she was 2 1/2 months old..but never from her back to her tummy. She HATES tummy time, so she's been scooting on her back instead of trying to crawl:) But, today she was on her tummy and rolled over, and kept on rolling..back to her tummy, then back on her back. It was so cute! She's also sitting up for about 10 minutes at a time now. I was so excited, I wanted that to happen by Christmas so she could sit in the middle of the room with all the wrapping paper.
Last night, she opened her first Christmas present from her Uncle Jake and Aunt Alyssa. They'll be in CA for Christmas so we had her open their present last night. She grabbed onto all that ribbon so fast! And she also sat on Santa's lap at the Ward Christmas Party. We'll get pictures posted of all this soon.

1 comment:

Requel said...

Oh that is such a hard thing to do. I couldn't do it till Bella was like 6 and a half months old. But it is so much better. She now loves her bed and when it's bed or nap time she wants to be in her bed. (well most of the time). They are just so precious. I say enjoy them and just do what works. I still will rock Bella to sleep for nap time sometimes, If she feels like cuddling.