Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kesling Park

On Friday we went to this awesome Discovery Park in was by far the coolest park I've ever been to! Once again, Addy's favorite part was the swings. This was her second time being on them and kept getting the giggles and loved getting pushed higher and higher! I'd stand her up against the other toys and she'd cruise along and make her way around to the other side. She looks like her cheeks are sunburned..but they just get very rosey when she's warm:)

She would hold onto everything and cruise her way around the playground.

Have you seen a happier face?

She has started to share everything, whatever she picks up she hands to you.

Such a sweetheart!

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

What a fun park! Wow! I LOVE the sweetheart swinging picture. That is adorable!
I've made a couple of bows that turned out quite cute. I'll put them on the blog one of these days. Thanks to you for the idea and inspiration. :)