Christmas this year was so chaotic, that it made the Holidays more of a bittersweet experience for Chris, Addy and I. Chris worked almost every night, including Christmas Eve. It was our year to be with the Roses..but I had all of my siblings home for Christmas for the first time in.... I can't remember how many years. So I tried really hard to be out there as much as I could. I actually envy those that live far away that just alternate holidays instead of splitting up all the time for each holiday. My family had family pictures taken, a trip to the museum, made sugar cookies, played games, took a drive to look at Christmas lights, Chris and I made a gingerbread house, movies etc. We had Christmas Eve dinner at Chris's parent's house. It was a fun filled, stressful week!! I felt so bad for Addy..since we only have one car there was lots of dropping Chris off at work and running out to my parent's..or my mom picking me up after she got off work...and it always was in the middle of her naps. She couldn't take naps out at my mom's because of the noise and then her bedtime was always hours later..making her a fussy and clingy girl!! (understandably!) We tried to make the best of it -and I'm really grateful for my brother's sacrifice in getting their families here. It was so nice to see them! But I think everyone is looking forward to a quiet Christmas next year! One of the sweet things this year, was that my parent's did 12 days of Christmas for all their kids. My mom worked so hard to get all the packages done and sent off to everyone and I know that was very stressful for her. But it was fun for us to open those each morning. They each had a letter explaining and either a gift, or act of service for us to do. They each reminded us of what we should be thinking about this time of year and what really matters...which we really needed since we were stressing out about shopping right up till Christmas Eve.
Here's a few pictures I was able to catch...we didn't do very good taking pics this year:(
There's nothing sweeter than kid's faces looking at the lights!

Sugar cookies!

My sweet mom...trying to keep everyone happy that week!!

More lights!

Addy staying busy entertaining herself with the kitchen!

the girls playing blocks together.

She's growing up so fast!
1 comment:
yeah it's hard when both families want to see you every holiday - it's also hard having a 60 minute drive in between them (short enough that they still expect you to make it). i see my bro with both families in town and it's hard on them because they spend most of the time at their own families' houses instead of together sometimes. which has it's + & -. Anyways, I'm glad we got to see you the little bit of time you were there.
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