It's no secret that I was more than ready to have this little boy. According to our calculations.. my due date was by the 20th, but the Dr thought I measured small and told me the 28th. On Friday the 23rd, I had a Dr. appt at 9:40 and was planning on having him induce me. But my prayers were answered, and at 4:55am I started having contractions. For an hour they were 10 minutes apart and the next hour they were 5. I finally got Chris out of bed and called my mom to have her come stay until Addy woke up. We got to the hospital around 7. I was only dialated to a 3..but was having consistent contractions 5 minutes apart or less. They called my Dr to see if he wanted me to stay up there or go home. I told the nurse to tell him I"m not leaving the hospital...she didn't say those exact words but she got him to let me stay there. From about 8-10 the contractions became much stronger but not as consistent. She called Dr Hall again and he said to give me pitocin and when he came up on his lunch break he would break my water. The pitocin kicked right in and I got an epidural at didn't work on the left side of my stomach, so I was feeling the contractions like crazy there. My water broke on it's own around noon..I was dialated to a 6, and a half hour later the Dr got there and checked me and said I was feeling so much pain because I was at a nine and ready to try pushing. They got the room ready and 6 pushes later at 1pm Mason was here. It all happened so fast that my mom was in the parking lot when he came, and we weren't able to get a lot of pictures. I have never felt such relief in a delivery...everything felt so much better. I went home the next afternoon wanting to be home with Addy and Chris before he started back to work. I was missing them like crazy, but got so stressed out as soon as I got home with the littlest things. But we adjusted quickly to sharing our attention and have developed our routines each day to keep everyone happy. Mason has been the sweetest, and best baby I could have ever hoped for. He sleeps and eats so good, and has made it a smooth transition for us, while we try to combine our two worlds of being Addy's parents and Mason's. Addy has been better than we expected as well. She loves little "Manos" as she calls him, and either wants to hold him and kiss him or just keeps to herself doing her own thing. I've absolutely loved having two kids and can't imagine life without our new little guy. Chris has been incredible and has taken over and done so much to help me out. I have the best husband in the world! Words can't express how blessed I feel, I'm so grateful for everything in my life and couldn't ask for anything more.
Proud Daddy

Right after delivery with Mason and Addy.

He's long and skinny with his Daddy's long torso.

Happy big sister!

giving kisses...except he though he was getting something more along the lines of food and would root around:)

I can't get enough of this little sweetheart

I forget how tiny they are in carseats!

Oh he's so cute!! Congrats!
Mindy he is SO cute! Congrats!:)
Adorable! I've been dying for these pictures. :) I'm so glad everything went well and transitioning into 2 kids is going well. He's the cutest little guy ever.
Oh he is so sweet. I can't wait for another little baby to love and snuggle. Good work your kids are adorable!
Congrats, Mindy!! He's beautiful!! I look forward to hearing more about what it's like having two kids!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. He is adorable. I had Dr. Hall and loved him. I moved to him almost half way through my pregnancy and am so glad that we did.
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