Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mason..(aka Tank)

Seriously?? My little baby will be 6 months old this month?!??! He has started so many things this past month. He loves his baby food...this boy was born to eat. He rarely spits it out, he's a natural when it comes to keeping the food in his mouth. His favorite fruits are Pears and Applesauce...favorite veggies are Beans and Squash. He sits up on his own for about 5 minutes, then tips over. He is now taking after his sister and rolling across the floor to get what he wants. The second you lay him on the floor, he rolls immediately to his stomach. So hopefully he'll start crawling soon. He gets his butt in the floor and can inch forward on his knees, but he hasn't figured out what his arms are for yet. He picks most toys up with his feet and brings them to his mouth. He's a great napper, always takes 3 naps each day..most nights he goes to bed at 7:30, I have to give him his binky once and a bottle usually around 5:30-6 and he's back to sleep till around 8. But he still has his nights when he's up a lot more. He's been having a really hard time teething since he was 4 1/2 months old...and has always had a hard time digesting his food since he was born. He spits up a ton, and has bad gas sometimes. His cries sometimes are so sad, and it's so frustrating not being able to cure these things. (yes, I've tried Mylicon drops, etc...the Dr just says he'll grow out of it) But for the most part he's a very happy, chill baby. Loves to be held, tickled, swaddled, loves his baths and jumping in his doorway jumper. He is slimming down!!! He doesn't get stuck in his bumbo anymore!! For those of you who don't know..he's been a very chunky baby, but he hides it well...all his weight is in his adorable, delicious thighs. He weighed 18lbs at his 4 month..but he's on the move now, so he'll slow down:) Here's some pics of our cute dimply, blue-eyed boy.


Unknown said...

awww, is it possible that he keeps getting cuter??

Heather Inns said...

He is going to be a smarty. I love his smile.

Harward Family said...

6 months already?!?!? Holy cow! That went by so fast. He is such a cutie. I love his big smiles and giggles!!

Liza said...

Look how cute he is! I want to bit off his cheeks. How is he 6 months already??? Dang, that was fast.