Thursday, March 24, 2011


So the past couple months has been stressful for us. Most of the students in Chris's class have already found out where they were going for their internship and we just weren't getting what we wanted! We really wanted to stay in Utah or Idaho and both of these places didn't pick us. We couldn't figure out what was going on, because Chris has done amazing in the class and has excellent grades...better than those that were getting picked. We knew we needed to have faith, and trust that the Lord has something in mind and we needed to be patient. But it was down to 4 people left and time is running it was getting hard to wait. We'd heard that the teacher was wanting to contact a Nuclear Plant in Vegas, because there aren't any colleges there that have this they don't have any obligations to be loyal to that school and take interns. He had asked Chris if he'd be interested in going there, because when they start a new relationship with a school, they like to send their best there to give EITC a good reputation. I was so excited when I heard the prospect of Vegas. WARM WEATHER, cheap flights back home, everything imaginable to go do, close to the CA beaches...etc. Well, we didn't hear anything for awhile...until last Thursday. He said they had agreed to take 2 interns, so the teacher was recommending Chris and this other guy in class who's good friends with Chris. Best part of this news: some internships don't pay anything. There's some that do, and Vegas is paying double what all those pay. The teacher had never heard of a place paying that for an internship. Plus, there's a huge advantage to get hired on there after the internship. Moral of the story...The Lord knows us, he knows our needs and knows the big picture. We have scraped and scraped for years to get to this point and our school loans and grants have been gone for a few months. We needed this. Not only did we need a payed internship, and a good chance of staying on there.... the Lord needs us in Vegas. Of course we've always wanted to stay by family, so this is bittersweet..but we're so excited for this new adventure. We've always said once school is over, we'll go where we're supposed to go. When you put your lives in the Lord's hands you can't go wrong. We don't know the dates yet of when the internship is, but at this point we're guessing it's similar to everywhere else. Starting in May, and about 6-8 weeks...but it could be totally different. We'll decide once we know if the kids and I will go down or not. Baby #3 is coming beginning of July, so there's a good chance I'll be moving out of the apt and into my parent's house in May while Chris goes down to Vegas. Anyway...HOORAY for no more waiting and no more nasty cold windy weather!


Streett's said...

Congratulations! It is so nice to know the Lord has a plan!

Requel said...

Congratulations! Vegas will be so nice! Warm weather sounds awesome about now!