Last month, we put the kids down together after church. I heard some giggling about 20 minutes into their nap...but thought nothing of it. They like to talk and play before falling asleep. Well..when I got them up after their nap..this is what I found on Mason's face and a brown permanent marker on Addy's bed. Needless to say I was mad when I saw that it was a permanent marker - especially since Mason has eczema so we can't use anything strong on his face. Lucky for us, we gave him a bath and his soap took it right off. There were some spots on his scalp that took a little longer, but his face was clear the next day! I love these two so much, and love that they can't go to sleep without each other. Addy always sings songs and says prayers to him before bedtime, and Mason will pull the bumper down and look and call for her when he's not falling asleep. I'm sure this little incident will happen again..but at least we know it's not permanent:)

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