Friday, April 1, 2011


We finally got our offer finalized. It is such a huge weight off our shoulders to have a date to look forward to, and be able to move on and start packing. Now if only we could have that job offer after the internship sealed, life would be almost perfect:) The Nevada Nuclear Test Site got Chris's resume and notified the teacher after Spring Break to say they'll have him start May 9th, or May 16th and it will be at least 8 weeks. They have a lot work right now, but the teacher told them that Chris and his friend Brandon both have doing more than 8 weeks for the internship might be hard. He said knowing that they have the work though makes it an even greater chance of being hired on when the 8 weeks is over. We looked at their website, and they are I'm just going to be optimistic and a positive thinker and plan on getting hired on and just keep looking for homes ;) We haven't decided yet about the kids and I going for the internship. 8 weeks isn't forever, but it is a long time to be away. If I wasn't so close to due date it would be a no brainer and the kids and I would be down there in a heart beat. I've found plenty of furnished places down there for this sort of thing, and the kids and I would have so much fun in the sun. But figuring out flights to come back for Dr appt's and then having to come back anyway to have the baby before the internship is over is tricky. Anyway, we are SOOO excited. Thinking about all the fun stuff down there to go see and do makes me want to leave tomorrow. We're so blessed and grateful for this opportunity, and can't wait to get settled and be done with the school life, and moving constantly.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Oh man, I TOTALLY understand wanting to be done with school! Klay is just starting his Masters program and I'm SO ready for school to be over! It's only a one year program but since he's working while he does it and will probably take tax season off for experience, it's going to take longer. I'm also ready to be settled down and start a real career! I can't wait for the day when we're not switching jobs every 3 months! It's all worth it in the long run, right???