Thursday, April 28, 2011

Party time!

I can't say enough about Mason..he has always been so laid back and chill. He's got the biggest dimples and cutest smile and laugh, which he's always more than willing to give you. He lights up your day when you see him. He is now non-stop from the moment he wakes up till he crashes for a nap. He is so close to walking..he just needs to get his balance. He walks along the walls/furniture and uses anything that moves as a walker. He LOVES his big sister, and chases her everywhere.

A few of his favorites:
*food, food, food
*anything with soft fabric..since he was born he burrows in soft blankets and will hold them up against his cheek.
* being outside

a few of his words:
ball (ba ba)
Addy (ahhee)
num (when he's eating)
coo-coo and tick-tock (that's what Chris says when he swings him)
kitty (kee kee)

25lbs (85%)
30.5 in (85%)

We love you so much Mason, and are so grateful to be your parents!!

His birthday party was also combined as the Rose Easter party. We had an easter egg hunt, pinata and yummy food.

Addy didn't bother waiting to eat her Easter candy:) She found her eggs then went and sat down and ate them.

The Elmo cake was Mason's and the other one was for the rest of the kids to eat. Thanks to my fabulous friend Holly for helping decorate Elmo - it turned out perfect!!

waiting for his cake

Addy sat there and dipped her finger in the entire time.

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