Friday, November 20, 2009

Quick Update

As for Chris and I...I'm still sick all day - 17 1/2 weeks and no relief. I've tried it all, nothing works except I get the B6 shots and they help for 2 days which is a nice break..but they raised the price on them so I won't be able to get them as often. Oh well, almost half way through! We're excited to find out in a few weeks what the gender is! That will make it seem a little more real. I've been losing weight so far in this pregnancy so I'm not showing too much yet, which makes it hard for this to seem real right now. Except... the past couple days I've finally started feeling some movement!!
We found out last month that Chris was accepted into the Radiation Control program that the INL does through EITC. We were so EXCITED because they have a waiting list for it, but he scored high enough on the tests that they put him through! YAY! He'll start that in August and it's an 18 month program and then we'll be done! There's finally a light at the end of the tunnel! The INL hires on the top out of each class.. but even if we don't make it there, there's a high demand all over the country so we're excited to be so close to being settled with a great job. But we'll be praying to be able to stay here and work at the site:) I'm so proud of Chris and how hard he has worked since we got married. The summer work isn't easy..but he pushes on through so we can have the money to pay for school. Then when we get back, he works full time and goes to school and I know it's so exhausting for him. I get cranky sometimes with how little I see him, but I know this is phase we have to go through to get to the next stage in our lives which will make this all worth it. I love him so much and am so grateful for all he does for our little family.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I cant believe you are still feeling sick. Im so sorry! I know how hard it is to be pregnant with a little one running around too!!! That is awesome news about Chris. Are you going to be around Utah during the holidays? If you are we need to get the girls together!!