On December 27th, Chris turned the big 28!! The night before his b-day we went out to Red Robin with Shawn/Tosha, Zach/Heidi and Gregg. It was a blast..especially without kids:)...and afterward, we went to Shawn's and played games and made shakes. Again, I sadly forgot to take pictures. Then on his birthday, we went to his parent's for the monthly birthdays dinner.(Since his family is getting so big we just combine all the birthdays each month) His family had all gone in on a gift that was a huge surprise for him. We'd been wanting to get an ipod for awhile and just share it, which was going to be our Christmas present for each other. But when I found out that's what they were doing, I had to convince him we couldn't afford it this year..so he was kinda bummed. But this was so much more than we could ever get... they got him the new "Zune." It's 120gb...plays movies, videos, holds pictures, and pretty much every song you could imagine. We're also building our supply of tools since we have none, so he got a sweet tool kit which we've already put to good use:) Anyway, Happy Birthday Babe!! I love you so much and am SO blessed and lucky to have you in my life. You're the best husband husband and father - and I can't wait to share a hundred more birthdays with you:)

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