Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life then vs Life now

I was looking through old pictures, and "Wa La!" These pictures are great memories for me. I was living in Orem at the time, dating Chris..had a great job..had a membership at LA Boxing which I miss SO much...and I purchased these hair extensions off of E-bay!! HAHA..I would never have expected them to match my hair color so perfectly, but they did..and I LOVED them..not as much as Chris did though:) The only problem is they don't stay in very they only went in for special occasions. It's interesting to compare life back then, to life now. I was up and ready for the day by 7:30am..went to work, came home, Chris and I would go to the gym together and then go back to one of our apts and make dinner, play with Batty (our cat)watch some favorite shows together etc. Now, I'm still up early - but in my p.j's while I get Addy fed, breakfast made for Chris, Addy down for a nap, lunch made for Chris to take..and I'm lucky to work out and finally shower and get ready for the day by 1pm! It's funny how your time isn't really your time anymore...and as much as I may miss those carefree days the end of the day I wouldn't trade them for any of my days spent as a mother and a wife. Seeing Addy learn new things each day and laughing makes me far happier than spending my days at work, evenings at the gym, and being able to come and go whenever I want etc. I stress so much about not being able to exercise enough and not having my pre-pregnancy body back - I see others that lose it in a month and each day look like they walked out of a magazine..but yesterday as I was looking back through photos and comparing it to my life now - I realized that even though I don't look like what I is slowly coming back and will take time. But, inside I'm the happiest I've ever been. Being able to stay home with my beautiful little girl and seeing her so happy is what matters. Taking care of Chris while he goes out and works hard for us is what matters. When our time isn't "our" time anymore..and it's now about serving what matters. Isn't that what life is truly all about..service and family.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I know exactly how you feel, but I wouldn't trade it either. I thought that I was the only one that didn't get dresses til 1pm. You still look amazing!!