Monday, April 20, 2009

Pics of our "suite"and car ride

We love our 2 week home...except that it's a studio set-up and makes it really hard to do anything with Addy sleeping in the same room:) The past few days have been so much fun - I feel like a family again with our new schedule. We get to start our days with Chris home again..back in IF he worked 6:30am-3..and then had class at nights. Now he's gone in the evenings..but it's so nice to wake up and have breakfast together as a family(which is provided by the hotel) and spend the first half of the day together. I finally have a fitness room downstairs so I've been able to workout in the mornings..YAY! Work is starting out slow as usual..but it's a nice break before things get crazy busy!

She's loved finally being somewhat settled and done being hauled around:) Except it's been really hard because her sleep schedule is messed up with the time change, traveling, and being in a hotel where we can't let her cry herself to sleep. It's driving me crazy having to pick her up when she screams. All our hard work has gone down the drain:)

This is her new big girl carseat thanks to Grandma/Grandpa Rose.

She was surprisingly a good little traveler.

1 comment:

The Carlsens said...

Hang in there with the crying self to sleep. She'll get back on it. Whenever Tyson gets sick I baby him and rock him to sleep. But after a week he cries for one night then has no trouble getting back to it. : )