Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dance Recital

I was a little bummed that their Spring Recital is just a casual performance with no costumes etc. But at the same time, I like not paying for an outfit she'll never wear again. This actually turned out a lot better than we expected. It was fun to carpool with her friends, and I was grateful for that when the class changed and was then during Mason/Kinley's naps. She was moved to an older class halfway through the season..and everytime I would go, they would be working on technique a lot and not so much a routine. I didn't know if Addy was getting bored or what..but overall I was really happy with her class and teacher and this recital was so cute. No one knew what to expect or what was going on, so it was cute to watch how they are on stage when it wasn't rehearsed. I thought it was so cute when Addy would just start talking and telling me something up on stage as if we're just home in our living room:)  She definitely doesn't have stage fright:)

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